Title | Optical properties of the InAs/InAlGaAs quantum dots subjected to thermal treatments |
Publication year | 2010 |
Author | Byonggu Jo, Jaesu Kim, Kwang Jae Kee, Hyunjune Kim, Dingwoo Park, Cheul-Ro Lee, Jinsoo Kim, Sung Bum Bae, Won Seok Han, Dae Kon Oh, Jae-Young Leem, Jong Su Kim, Sang June Lee, Sam Kyu Noh |
Journal | Thin Solid Films (IF: 2.183) |
JCR factor | 49.35 % |
Vol | Vol.518, pp.6429-6431 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2010.03.051 |